Sunday, May 28, 2006

things I have learned by the arrival of summer

1. My internet addiction takes a pretty big nose dive when I am sharing my internet access with 3 or 4 other people and I don't have good reason (i.e. homework) to get me to sit down in front of a computer every day. 2. Sun is good, but sun, humidity and frickin 90 degree weather in May is not as cool 3. I love sales at lane bryant. 4. Taking the time to prepare yummy, nutritional, fresh meals is so worth it, especially when you have some one to cook with you. 5. Cats with anal leakage problems are not cool. Life continues to be good, even though I have yet to actually start at SW. But considering I'll probably be putting in over 30 hours at GG, so that should keep me busy. I like living at home with my family, cat and last week Katie. I think I am definitely taking advantage of the time I have here at home, however limited it may be. Also this week I should be hearing a final yes or no about the JOB in Chicago.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

back home and loving it

These past few none college related days have been great. I haven't accomplished a whole lot, but I have also managed to feel quite busy. I think this is largely due to the fact that I took a 24 hour trip up to Evanston for said interview (which went very well) and I have been doing a lot more work in the kitchen, garden and around the house, because my mom is recovering from a foot surgery which leaves her on crutches. Another great part of the past few days has been having Katie living at my house for the week. We have made a few meals together, including this nights amazing crepes meal, biked errands and generally hung out. This is especially great, because I won't be able to do this much with Katie during the next year, due to the small distance of half a country between our respective cities. But basically instead of trying to tell you lots and lots about the past few days I am going to make two recommendations. First, go check out the new MacBook offered by Apple. It has a 13" inch screen, comes with a 1.8 intel duel core processor, and 1gb memory, plus a 60gb hard drive. So basically I can get everything I am looking for for only 1,400 and I can get a Mac! Now of course I need to do is save up another 1000 dollars. I also just finished reading The Hundred Secret Senses by Amy Tan (author of Joy Luck Club) and it was just a great book. It deals a lot with relationships (specifically sisters) and also Chinese thought, stories and history. I would totally recommend it for some great summer reading, but especially for all those China SSTers out there.

Monday, May 22, 2006

i know, i know

I haven't posted for a week, and I promise I will update soon, but the big news is that in around 45 minutes I will be interviewing for the JOB. Wish me luck!

Monday, May 15, 2006

webby, webby, where's my webby?

Okay folks, the website is officially kinda sorta almost partially finished. So go take a look at it and let me know what ya'll think. There are still some pages that need some work and some text that needs to be added, but for the most part, you should be able to get the feel of it. And I must say I am pretty proud of it. Oh and the pictures used were all taken by myself, so yes they are my fault :) In other news I am thinking that I would like to do a bit of renovation of this hear blog, so suggestions for new names, photos you would like to see included, etc. would be greatly appreciated. But first I have to find out how to edit this blogger template in Dreamweaver without destroying it in the process. Things to do tonight: -shower -tape grey's anatomy season finale -visit Will to take picture -sleep like the dickens

two recipes

Recipe for getting rid of cramps: -take 2 pain killers -watch 2 episodes of Friends -eat 5 squares of dark chocolate -drink 4 cups of Chinese tea -pee 17 times Recipe for regaining cramps: -work for 3 hours in the computer lab -loss an entire page due to crappy Dreamweaver random shut-down

Saturday, May 13, 2006

listening: Kingdom Come by Coldplay

"For you, I'd wait 'til kingdom come. Until my day, my day is done. And say you'll come, and set me free, Just say you'll wait, you'll wait for me." I like those lyrics, they just make sense for me right now. I think because transitional times always feel like waiting periods for me. Right now I am almost a college graduate, but not quite. Almost financially independent, but not quite. I am on the cusp of the stage of the rest of my life. I mean I haven't been out of school since I was five, people! How will I even function? The other night I was talking to Meryl and she was saying how much she is going to miss people and how she can't believe she is leaving so soon. As I sat there and listened, I just couldn't understand, I mean the whole idea of not seeing the people I have lived my last four years with on a daily if not weekly basis, how can I grasp that? I mean I have done the leaving thing, I went off to both Northern Ireland and China for three months, I went to Indy Peace House. But I have always come back, and well this time, there is no guarantee. I think part of the reason this whole leaving and goodbye thing hasn't made sense for me yet, is that I don't want to have to be that sad. I don't tend to like goodbyes, and I find it easier to see transitions as the inevitable movement of time. I mean why fight what you can't change? But still there was something about this weekend, when Meryl has been gone, that I just began to realize what it means to not be living with her again and what it is going to mean to have her halfway across the country from me. With the exception of the summers and my one semester at Peace House, I haven't not lived with this girl for four years! Dear lord, what I am I gonna do without her? Random Tangent In the past few days, people have found this blog through the following searches: 1. boss "like a personal assistant" 2. floaties in eyeballs (of which I am the third listed result on google, what the heck!) 3. pomograntes for sale (I am the second result on this one, but that is probably due to my misspelling of pomegranates) 4. random facts about me

Friday, May 12, 2006

listening: Who makes me feel by Dido

So I got a job at SW (the paint store in Linway), which is super awesome because that means I will actually make money this summer. I have to say I am really looking forward to this summer, not only because I will earn money, but because I will get to live at home again with my parents AND younger brother AND eventually both my older brother and his fiancee. Oh and the Cat (who we still have to figure out the name thing for sure). In other news I am redesigning the GG website for Creating for the Web, and I gotta say, I really love this whole webdesign stuff. It is similar to layout, which I have always enjoyed and even though I don't have huge training in it, I would love to work more with it. Um, lets see what else, oh yeah, I am FRICKIN excited about Chicago (even if I don't get my dream job, in fact if God holds up the bargain, not getting the job, would mean getting something else that I really want :)).

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

the fight against lameness

Yesterday, although great fun was also one of the lamest days of my may term so far. Other than going to class and having dinner at Panara Bread, I essentially spent 5 hours watching the tv screen. Now all of this was watching dvds of tv shows (which until such a time when I would get Tivo, this is my favorite way to watch tv). I also spent another 2 hours doing crosswords. So yeah, not very active, interesting or non-lame. But to inspire myself to make this day a better one, here is my to do list: -meet with SW (the paint store) at 3pm to hear about summer job plans -set up long-overdue vet appointment for the kitty (which speaking of names for the cat, what about the possibility of Juliet, cause then we could call her Jules for short) -upload recommendations to library aide application -find out about electronic copies of transcript -start on-line art appreciation course, so that I can indeed graduate -maybe bake some cookies -watch one (and one only) episode of alias, we are only 3 episodes away from finishing season 3!

Monday, May 08, 2006

apartment drooling in Chicago

Does anyone see the windows! Seriously, all this could be ours*, hardwood floors, high ceilings, and a frikin hall! *Becca, Jess, Steph and I Posted by Picasa

Friday, May 05, 2006

road trip from heck

Not to totally flip yesterday's post on its head, but today kinda sucked, no actually I mean really sucked. The main reason for this being my life between the hours of 11:30am and oh say 4pm (Chicago Time). During that duration, the following things occurred: -just west of South Bend a piece of the plastic undercover of the bumper came loose right in front of the front right tire of the prism. This resulted in a few scary moments and a delay until Jess in a fit of genius discovered that we could rig the piece back into place by using a key ring to replace the bolt. -after exiting the Indiana toll road, we became majorly confused as too our route and its relation to 90 and 80 and 94, which resulted in a rather large confusing circle and finally getting on 294 around half an hour later -due to construction we sat in traffic at least 3 separate times until we finally got off the turnpike -then a car pulled out in front of me, causing much stress and a mini heart attack So basically I was around an hour late to my meeting at the high school, however this was okay in that it wasn't a real interview after all. And I learned that there are apparently a pretty large number of applicants for this job, so at this point I really don't know my chances of getting it. But it looks like I will have an official interview, in front of a committee mind you, around May 19th. Sigh, so despite this probably being my worst trip to Chicago, it is amazing what a few hours perspective, some tylanol and water, and an amazing Thai meal can do to return to a good outlook on life. In other unrelated news, go check out my first totally original website!

Thursday, May 04, 2006

quizs and memes do not a good blog make

okay, okay I know I have been a bit behind on the whole updates thing, but seriously its may term guys! This means 3 weeks of only morning classes, herd like behavior at the entrance to the Rot and of course if God is loving and kind, warm sunny weather. So far God seems to be in a good mood, because the weather these past few days has been glorious. So where to start? The problem with not blogging for a little while, is one tends to forget everything that is most recent and most interesting to write about. First off, I gotta say I am doing much better than spring semester. Not that spring semester was awful, but I just feel like the sun has come out both literally and in my overall outlook on life. My housemates are wonderful, I've got some kick a** friends, one out of two brothers is actually back in the country, I have a room to myself (even though I do miss Alex), I am taking only one class and it is one that I am actually interested in. I also have a job interview this friday up in Evanston for a teacher aide position in a high school library. I graduated, finished the paper, survived the huge wash of self-doubt, got a haircut and dug up some spring clothes to start wearing. And thanks to Dad's continued patience and work, I once again have a working bike, which is a wonderful thing indeed. So yeah, maybe I am a little high off of the weather or all the frickin fresh air, but life looks pretty rosy right now.