Sunday, October 08, 2006

saved post from a few days ago

I must say our apartment is coming together, tonight our chosen project was hanging up Jess's beautiful Chinese painting and our two hall mirrors. And when combined with last night's project of hanging our three paper lanterns, I think our living room especially is quite beautiful. However I still have to get my contributions to the wall framed so they can be hung up. But I will have to make this short because my battery is running low and Becca is already asleep. Today I turned 23, yes more old age ruminating from a young whipper snapper, yes I know that this is kind of obnoxious. Yet I can't help feeling like I am heading into a period of my life that will fly by. I officially don't have any more big milestones in my life (well except for that whole house, marriage, babies thing, which at this point I don't even know if those will happen). I have been thinking a lot more about this whole librarian thing and getting an MLS, I think it might make a lot of sense to get a graduate degree sooner as opposed to later. Maybe overseas things will have to wait for a while. But then of course when I did eventually go overseas I would have more to offer, instead of just an willingness to work and an ability to speak english. Okay now I really need to go, battery dying.......


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