"For you, I'd wait 'til kingdom come.
Until my day, my day is done.
And say you'll come, and set me free,
Just say you'll wait, you'll wait for me."
I like those lyrics, they just make sense for me right now. I think because transitional times always feel like waiting periods for me. Right now I am almost a college graduate, but not quite. Almost financially independent, but not quite. I am on the cusp of the stage of the rest of my life. I mean I haven't been out of school since I was five, people! How will I even function?
The other night I was talking to Meryl and she was saying how much she is going to miss people and how she can't believe she is leaving so soon. As I sat there and listened, I just couldn't understand, I mean the whole idea of not seeing the people I have lived my last four years with on a daily if not weekly basis, how can I grasp that? I mean I have done the leaving thing, I went off to both Northern Ireland and China for three months, I went to Indy Peace House. But I have always come back, and well this time, there is no guarantee.
I think part of the reason this whole leaving and goodbye thing hasn't made sense for me yet, is that I don't want to have to be that sad. I don't tend to like goodbyes, and I find it easier to see transitions as the inevitable movement of time. I mean why fight what you can't change? But still there was something about this weekend, when Meryl has been gone, that I just began to realize what it means to not be living with her again and what it is going to mean to have her halfway across the country from me. With the exception of the summers and my one semester at Peace House, I haven't not lived with this girl for four years! Dear lord, what I am I gonna do without her?
Random Tangent
In the past few days, people have found this blog through the following searches:
1. boss "like a personal assistant"
2. floaties in eyeballs (of which I am the third listed result on google, what the heck!)
3. pomograntes for sale (I am the second result on this one, but that is probably due to my misspelling of pomegranates)
4. random facts about me