coming to terms with "the best friend"
You know that girl in the chick flick movies, usually brunette, or wearing glasses. Maybe she is a little nerdy, or a little too close to normal weight, but for whatever reason she is the foil for the tall, elegant, blonde, slender girl who is the star of the said chick flick and therefore one half of the pre-destined couple. Back when I used to appreciate the genre more, I would watch that girl in the movie, sometimes she would have a boyfriend (although then she would tend to be even more nerdy, pregnant, etc), but most of the time she was single. So of course, it is kinda obvious why I always watched these characters more than the blonde pre-couple. But the thing was, sometimes they actually were the funniest, most interesting and wisest. These characters helped the blonde through whatever obstacle kept her from her dream man. Now I can't necessarily claim to be interesting, funny or wise, but I have played the best friend role many times over the past few years. Watching my friends encounter the best and worst parts of relationship is always a two edged sword. When my friends have good times with their significant others, I am happy for them. I love the fact that they have found someone to fit their lives with. But at the same time, I have also found myself fighting the urge to question why them and not me. And of course I hate that instinct, because as a friend I should celebrate my friend's happiness and not resent them. Sometime this past year I had a little bit if epiphany, well in all honesty it does sound rather overwhelmingly obvious. It was that no matter how many of my friends got into relationships, it didn't impact my own ability/chances to enter into my own eventual relationship. In other words, my friends' romantic lives does not have an inverse relationship to my own. Yeah, kinda obvious, yet somehow I have found that concept to be very helpful when trying to remind myself to stay positive towards my friends relationships. So while I may currently be playing the best friend role, that doesn't make my story any less interesting, or any less capable of producing love.