Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Goodbye to peace

okay so maybe just peace house I have a lot of mixed feelings as I get ready to leave Indy and return to Goshen, here they are in no particular order: - I abhor packing, wait is that a strong enough word? umm detest, hate with the passion of a thousand suns, okay maybe that is good enough - It is possible to reflect and evaluate 17 times in one day - I got to learn a lot about ethnic hair this semester - I am not a flirt, nor do I like PDA - I never have and never will love basketball - It always seems that just as you begin to really love a place, you leave it (although I don't think this will be true with Goshen) - I am really excited about May Term - I am more or less ready to leave the people and places of Peace House - I will miss them though - Brie is really good cheese - I usually don't drink enough water - I actually sort of like to vacuum if the vacuum is actually working - Miriam is a girl after my own heart - I will never love the popular girls - In a few weeks, I will look back at Peace House with even more nostalgia than I feel now - I am horrible at packing and I will never again pack as badly for a semester as I did for Peace House - I have more clothes than I ever wear, yet never seem to be able to make good outfits - I hate packing and enjoy procrastination


Blogger Katie said...

Abby! You're wonderful. Have a great May term.

4/26/2005 01:57:00 PM  

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