Sunday, November 07, 2004

quitin' time

These past few days have not exactly been great ones for me, just pretty much a low right now. I hate not being a happy cheerful person, I mean I am sometimes. But others (like right now) I just can't seem to get a good outlook on the world. Part of the problem is that whenever I am feeling low I also feel guilty for not being happy and content with all the amazing blessings I have. Why do I waste my time being melancholy when I have so many opportunities and resources and options for me life? Gosh darn it and why do I write depressed blogs, not good Abby! Okay anyways I will now attempt to be at least somewhat interesting and less down. Today I got about 3 hours of reading for my term paper due in a week out of the way. The paper deals with issues of pre-marital sex within Christian ethics. Actually a pretty fascinating topic, so far I found two interesting books that make strong cases for not condemning it, which I actually found rather surprising. Mainly because growing up Mennonite I received a clear sense of sex as only appropriate within marriage. Although in reading some of the arguments it has caused me to bring up some of my own reasons for why I think pre-marital sex is wrong. Fascinating for me, considering I often end up being on more of the side arguing why it is okay in certain situations. It should be a fun paper to write. Speaking of sex though I am gonna go listen to Keith Graber Miller preach tomorrow morning at College Mennonite Church on sexuality. Should be quite interesting! Oh and I went to the barn dance tonight. It was fun, but very much a nostalgic sort of thing. Barn dance was so much fun in high school, such a big deal, and it still is, but not the same.....sigh. I guess all good things must end. Oh but my moment of hope was when as we were riding along on the hay ride. I was laying there feeling sort of blue and looking up at a gorgeous field of stars and then I saw a really long shooting star that was just beautiful. I always seem to be the one who just misses seeing it, but not this time. So with that moment, I will leave my blog for the night. Rest well.


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