Saturday, March 11, 2006


For those of you who haven't heard yet, Tom Fox of Christian Peacemaker Teams was found dead in Baghdad this week. He was among 4 other CPT hostages take last November in Iraq and the sole American in the group. For a beautifully written statement from CPT go here, for news reports go here or for the American view go here. News like this is hard to hear, even though I never knew Tom, I know a lot of CPTers and it is hard to face the fact that being a peacemaker won't keep you from dying. But at the same time, that is the role that CPT take on when it goes to violent situations around the world. CPT is there to be "soldiers" of peace and each delegate or team member knows the risks. I think this is also scary because of how those in my family will also probably be going on CPT delegations in the future and there is no pretending that that isn't risky. So for now if you are a praying person, then I ask that you hold Tom Fox and his family in prayer and all of CPT.


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