Friday, January 13, 2006

friday afternoon (doing homework)

I know, I am a little shocked too, but hey this is a style test thing. Way cool. I have always loved these personality test things, but maybe that's because I have been hoping that I would discover one in which I had a clear result. Often with these types of tests, I'll be a tie between 2, but hey not with this one. I took the Gilmore & Fraleigh "Friendly Style Profile" for Transforming Conflict and Violence and here are my results: Calm/Storm 27/25 Accommodating/Harmonizing 20/21 Analyzing/Preserving 29/22 Achieving/Directing 24/32 Affiliating/Perfecting As I would have predicted, Accommodating/Harmonizing remained strong in both situations and Analyzing/Preserving rather low. But what I found interesting was the marked drop off in Achieving/Directing and huge leap in Affiliating/Perfecting during storm conditions. I think I have found that to be true over the years. As I have grown into more leadership roles, I am learning that while I am willing to take charge, I really hate leadership roles when I am worn-out, in stressful situations, tired, or in other challenging situations. At that point I tend to want to follow and be the support system, instead of being the take-charge person. Which in retrospect makes Shanghai make so much sense now. So hey, does anybody else know their scores for this thing?


Blogger davisagli said...

I had a high affiliating/perfecting score for calm conditions, which gave way to accomodating/harmonizing for storm situations. Which makes general I know what I want and try to get everything to meet my standards, but if I'm in a situation where other folks are in conflict I'm more likely to take on a mediating role.

1/13/2006 05:53:00 PM  

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