Monday, September 20, 2004


I am tired, but what else is new with the world. I ended up watching kill bill 2 last night with Zeb. Why do I do these things to myself? We started the movie around 12ish, and I didn't get to bed until after 2. Not a wise move, abby. Any who, this week is not going to be pretty and I have decided to just survive it with little hope for interesting or relaxing events. I guess I blew all those with my lovely weekend. I have decided I may have a strange attraction to men who shave their heads and/or work in contruction. Oh and it helps if they are true "renaissance men".:) I think I need to find me a nice Mennonite farm boy, who no longer wishes to be a farm boy, but wants to travel the world. Okay enough blitherings for now. Spider solitaire update: what is this game you speak of?


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