Saturday, July 23, 2005

it's Saturday people

Wow, I just got this big random joyful feeling! Does anyone else ever get these, out of the blue, not expected, but there anyways? Yesterday was a great day, after my presentation (which Jan totally approved of!!!!) I went with Tara and Megan to have a European lunch at Rachel's bread, which was European in both its length (over 2 hours) and content (a tomato and mozzarella salad, Haverti cheese sandwich on wheat-berry cranberry sourdough bread, and meadow tea, with half a chocolate croissant for dessert). Then we walked around downtown for a while, just taking in the sun and strolling. All together a very lovely day. Oh and my latest I-love-my-Lasik moment was this morning when I was stepping into the shower and tried to take off my glasses. Needless to say, they weren't there!


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