Friday, February 25, 2005

crazy about that internet thing

Sorry I haven't been posting this week, but our house's wireless has been out of wack. Which means I didn't check my email for almost two complete days, almost went crazy. This week has gone well, on Thursday I filled in due to a last minute change on the day trip to Earlham for recruiting. I had never been on campus, so it was neat to see one of the other peace colleges. Other than that it has been a fairly normal week. Internship has been up and down as usual, although today was a really cool day because I got to see the exhibit finally installed. Even though most of it was designed and so forth before I got on board it was really neat to see something I had been working towards finally complete. Plus KT even mentioned me on the the thank-you board (although she did spell my name Nafzinger, which now puts the State Museum 0 for 2 on getting my name right considering my name tag reads Abiigail). Although what is really exciting is that I will be cutting back on hours for the state museum and sort of doing a smaller internship with one of two possible organizations. The first option is H House which works with homeless people and serves as a space for them to spend time in during the day when most shelters are closed. The other is the MR Community Center which offers a variety of possibilities including working with a range of ages from pre-school to the senior center and also some computer training options. Both I think would give me a much clearer hands-on possibility and also hopefully make me feel more useful than I currently do with my current internship. Next week is spring break for us, which is ridiculously early I know, but hey Goshen is doing it too. Our house is going to New Orleans for the week, camping actually. It should definitely be quite the adventure, or so I hope. But the really exciting news is that a bunch of my friends are coming down for the weekend. So hopefully between 1 and 2am Steph, Meryl, Becca, Crystal and Ebony will be arriving.


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